Shijing Sun Sun, Armi Tiihonen, Felipe Oviedo, Zhe Lie, Janak Thapa, Yicheng Zhao, Noor Titan P. Hartono, Anuj Goyal, Thomas Heumueller, Clio Batali, Alex Encinas, Jason J. Yoo, Ruipeng Li, Zekun Ren, I. Marius Peters, Christoph J. Brabec, Moungi G. Bawendi, Vladan Stevanovic, John W. Fisher III, Tonio Buonassisi;
"A data fusion approach to optimize compositional stability of halide perovskites," in Matter,
Yang Zhou, Jitendra Sharma, Qiong Ke, Rogier Landman, Jingli Yuan, Hong Chen, David S Hayden, John W Fisher III, Minqing Jiang, William Menegas;
"Atypical behaviour and connectivity in shank3-mutant macaques," in Nature,
Guy Rosman, Daniela Rus, Fisher III;
"Information-driven adaptive structured-light scanners," in IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging,
Julian Straub, Oren Freifeld, Guy Rosman, John J Leonard, John W Fisher III;
"The manhattan frame model–manhattan world inference in the space of surface normals," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Oren Freifeld, Soren Hauberg, Kayhan Batmanghelich, John W Fisher III;
"Transformations based on continuous piecewise-affine velocity fields," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Zoran Dzunic, Justin G. Chen, Hossein Mobahi, Oral Büyüköztürk, John W. Fisher;
"A bayesian state-space approach for damage detection and classification," in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
V. Y. F. Tan, S. Sanghavi, J. W. Fisher III, A. S. Willsky;
"Learning graphical models for hypothesis testing and classification," in Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions On,
Kush R. Varshney, Mujdat Cetin, John W. Fisher III, Alan S. Willsky;
"Sparse representation in structured dictionaries with application to synthetic aperture radar," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Emily B. Fox, John W. Fisher III, Alan S. Willsky;
"Detection and localization of material releases with sparse sensor configurations," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
K. M. Pohl, J. W. Fisher III, S. Bouix, M. Shenton, R. McCarley, W. E. L. Grimson, R. Kikinis, W. M. Wells III;
"Using the logarithm of odds to define a vector space on probabilistic atlases," in Medical Image Analysis,
Leonid Taycher, John W. Fisher III, Trevor Darrell;
"Combining object and feature dynamics in probabilistic tracking," in Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Special Issue),
Jason L. Williams, John W. Fisher III, Alan S. Willsky;
"Approximate dynamic programming for communication-constrained sensor network management," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Mujdat Cetin, Lei Chen, John Fisher, Alexander Ihler, Randolph Moses, Alan Willsky;
"Distributed fusion in sensor networks: A graphical models perspective," in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
Kilian Pohl, J. Fisher, W. E. L. Grimson, R. Kikinis, W. M. Wells;
"A bayesian model for joint segmentation and registration," in Neuroimage,
A. T. Ihler, J. W. Fisher III, A. S. Willsky;
"Loopy belief propagation: Convergence and effects of message errors," in Journal of Machine Learning Research,
Alexander T. Ihler, Fisher John W. III, A. S. Willsky;
"Nonparametric belief propagation for self-localization of sensor networks," in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
Junmo Kim, John W. Fisher III, Anthony Yezzi Jr., Mujdat Cetin, Alan S. Willsky;
"A nonparametric statistical method for image segementation using information theory and curve evolution," in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
John W. Fisher III, Trevor Darrell;
"Speaker association with signal-level audiovisual fusion," in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,
Alexander T. Ihler, John W. Fisher III, Alan S. Willsky;
"Nonparametric hypothesis tests for statistical dependency," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,
Junmo Kim, John W. Fisher III, A. T. Tsai, C. Wible, A. S. Willsky, W.Wells III;
"Incorporating spatial priors into an information theoretic approach for *f*MRI data analysis," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging,
Andrew J. Kim, John W. Fisher III, Alan S. Willsky;
"Detection and analysis of anisotropic scattering in sar data," in Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing,
Erik G. Learned-Miller, John W. Fisher III;
"ICA using spacings estimates of entropy," in Journal of Machine Learning Research, Special Issue on Independent Components Analysis,
John W. Fisher III, Martin J. Wainwright, Erik B. Sudderth, Alan S. Willsky;
"Statistical and information-theoretic methods for self-organization and fusion of multimodal, networked sensors," in International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications,
John A. Richards, Alan Willsky, John W. Fisher III;
"An expectation-maximization approach to target model generation from multiple sar images," in Optical Engineering,
J. Principe, D. Xu, Q. Zhao, J. Fisher;
"Learning from examples with information theoretic criteria," in Journal of VLSI Signal Proc. Systems, Special Issue on Neural Networks,
Jose C. Principe, Munchurl Kim, John W. Fisher III;
"Target discrimination in synthetic aperture radar using artificial neural networks," in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Special Issue on Applications of Artificial Neural Networks to Image Processing,
Jose C. Principe, Alex Radisavljevic, John W. Fisher III, Margarita Hiett, Leslie M. Novak;
"Target prescreening based on a quadratic gamma discriminator," in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
John W. Fisher III, Jose C. Principe;
"Recent advances to nonlinear mace filters (invited paper)," in Optical Engineering,
John W. Fisher III, Jose C. Principe;
"A nonlinear extension of the mace filter," in Neural Networks, Special Issue: Neural Networks for ATR,